
How to prepare your clinic for 2021

2020, what a year! Nevertheless, we managed to adapt or even grow. But as the global situation is still very dynamic and normality is at least a few months ahead, a good planning will make your 2021 a lot smoother, productive and, why not, one of your best years.
To support you in your journey, our AB Dental experts have thought of 3 key-aspects that will bring you great benefits, if planned well:


1. Follow the global trends

You only get one chance to make a first impression and a first impression can impact everything from professional success to someone’s personal life. And, for better or worse, your dental clinic will often be the first impression you make on a new patient. In these challenging times, it’s important to make sure that your image promotes a safe, friendly environment, from the first time a patient searches for your clinic.

Tip #1: Update your website – 7 in 10 people search for a company online before trying its services – and dental clinics are no exceptions. As most things have migrated online, it’s high time your website is updated and conveys the right messages to your patients: it’s safe, it’s professional & trustworthy, it’s friendly. Try to even have a few pictures of the team – it’s the first step in creating a loyal relationship with your patient.

Bonus tip: How’s your social media? Do you engage enough with your patients? It’s one of the most important places to bring you visibility and growth, so make sure your channels are updated and you’re as present there as possible.

Tip #2:  More space! Once your virtual clinic is ready, you have to make sure that the real one is up to the standard, too. Present global conditions might require more space and it would be a great idea to check out and see how you can rearrange everything so that it will allow you to practice at your (almost) normal pace.


2. Use high-quality equipment and materials

Let’s be honest: your patients love you, but they probably don’t ever want to see you again… (not in the clinic, anyway).

The less you need to correct and recover former procedures you applied to your patients, mean that you do your job well, and one secret to that is high-quality equipment and materials. They are extremely important since they are directly connected to your reputation and also to the long trust you wish to build with the patients and their families. The market is continuously innovating and creating better and better tools – choose your products and solutions wisely, follow all the global innovations related to your practice, enroll in courses and webinars to stay in line with the dental news. For example, we are glad to offer free webinars on dental implantation all over the year under the AB DENTAL ONLINE brand.


3. Get (more) emotional

Bereavement, isolation, loss of income and fear may trigger mental health conditions or exacerbating existing ones. This is a reality we must talk about. Add this to the regular fear-of-dentist and you’ll get a very anxious patient. As doctors, it’s our duty to care about our patients, and this year we must show that we are true healers and take one step further, just by being kind and asking how they feel (just make sure you’re not drilling their teeth when you ask).


All in all, 2021 is about two things: continuous adaptation to the global trends & innovations and a more human approach. If you master these two, you will achieve success, no matter what the future brings.


May we have an amazing 2021!


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more advice about global trends.

Keywords: dental, clinic, patients, doctor, AB DENTAL, implants, service, AB ONLINE, webinar


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