

A. Patient’s Denture was used as a CT Guide. 2 Fixation screws were planned
B. Axial View, showing 15 and 25 very narrow bone. Pilot 2mm Drill Only T
C. Panoramic View, showing 15 and 25 very narrow bone. Pilot 2mm Drill Only.
D. 16 Drill Depth Planned to Sinus Floor
E. 26 Drill Depth Planned to Sinus Floor
F. 15 Very Narrow Bone
G. 25 Very Narrow Bone
H. 15 and 25 Pilot 2mm Only. The AB Guide is a digital copy of the patient’s denture.
I. 3D Plan Right
J. 3D Plan Left
K. 16 And 26 Drill Depth to Sinus Floor Longer Implant Inserted After Sinus Lift: X-ray after sinus lift 16
L. X-ray after sinus lift 26
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